Thursday, April 30, 2009

Another Reason to Hate Standarized Testing

I hate this time of year! The teachers are stressed, administrators are stressed, but worst of all, the kids are stressed. We have kids cry, not come to school, and throw up. Every time we administer the very important test, there is a child who throws up. Never fails. Should a 3rd grader really be that worried about a test?? I feel so bad for them, but so much rides on them passing THE TEST. Some kids just can't take all that pressure.

And now for the answer to the clues in my last post! They were describing a dog! The fag should have been fat - I had the child read it to me!

1 comment:

John Deere Mom said...

Oh, how I hate testing. We have one more test on Monday, then we are finally finished. This was our 3rd round of testing for the year. Let's just say the kids were OVER it!